October 2016 - Promises Healthcare
Confidentiality, Consent and Landmark Litigation.

Confidentiality, Consent and Landmark Litigation.

Following a landmark case that ordered all privileged medico-legal reports to be struck off the record, the High Court of Singapore has set a new precedent in applying litigation privilege in criminal cases. Here are 3 key takeaways for forensic mental health professionals following the case written by Leeran Gold, Psychologist in our Forensic Service.

To read more:https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/confidentiality-consent-landmark-litigation-leeran-gold?trk=hp-feed-article-title-comment

At Promises Healthcare, we are committed to helping you through your journey to recovery. Discover a new life, away from addiction and find renewed hope. Please contact our clinic on for inquiries and consultations.

Caring For Every Aspect of Addiction Recovery

Caring For Every Aspect of Addiction Recovery

Many of us want to know how a person becomes an addict. Such compulsion is often described as a: “bio-psycho-social disease”. Some people inherit genetic vulnerabilities. They are predisposed to anxiety, depression, anger, stress and impulsivity.

Some may have suffered dreadful traumas. Neglected childhoods.  Were thrill seekers. They got in with the wrong crowd in school. Did badly in class. Have low frustration and distress tolerance. Some have jobs or friends that make drink and drugs the norm. Some struggle with boredom and routine. Delayed gratification is tough for them. Some are overwhelmed by intense feelings. Some have a combination of these things. And everyone is different.

But how does knowing the root cause help with recovery? It may not. The recovery solution is in the present and in the future – not in the past. What can you do, here and now, to make a difference?

At Promises Healthcare, we are committed to helping you through your journey to recovery. Discover a new life, away from addiction and find renewed hope. Please contact our clinic for inquiries and consultations.

 Written by: Andrew da Roza – Psychotherapist, Promise Healthcare Pte. Ltd.

Why am I an addict?

Why am I an addict?

Clients and their families often want to know: how do people become addicts?

We are all very complex beings and it is almost impossible to give a definitive answer to this question. Addiction professionals often describe it as a bio-psycho-social “disease” that involves multiple personal risk factors. In order to understand what one’s personal risk factors are, it would be best to seek a professional that could help you understand various factors of how the addiction started and how it has taken over one’s life. There are biological factors such as genes that makes one vulnerable in developing addiction. There may be social factors such as abuse or poverty in which one uses substances to cope. And for others the experience of psychological trauma may result in one using substances to soothe or to numb themselves.

Regardless of the reason, recovery is possible.

Come and see a professional psychiatrist, psychologist or counsellor today for more information on how you can beat your addiction. At Promises Healthcare, we are committed to helping you through your journey to recovery. Discover a new life, away from addiction and find renewed hope. Please contact our clinic for inquiries and consultations.

This article was written by Andrew da Roza, Psychotherapist and addictions specialist, Promises Healthcare

Is My Partner Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?

Is My Partner Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?

Addiction can often open wide chasms in our relationships 

If using prescriptions or other drugs and alcohol have become a problem, it’s worth checking out how bad the problem is. It’s like eating chocolate or drinking Coke.

At one end, is the occasionally pleasure of eating chocolate or drinking a Coke.

At the other end, is the pain of bingeing on two pounds of chocolate and drinking 25 Cokes a day.

The eating of chocolate and drinking Coke has moved from pleasure to pain. It’s the same for drugs and alcohol. But how do I know if I have moved to the ‘pain zone’? The answer is unique to each person. But there are common signs, and you can take a valid and reliable test. Consider going to any of the websites listed below and taking a simple test. A professional can help you put the results into perspective which would allow you to see whether the problem requires help and change. Change is difficult for all of us. Taking a test and reviewing the results may provide the motivation to change. Take a chance and take a test. A person who doesn’t take a chance – never had a chance.

At Promises Healthcare we are committed to helping you on a journey to recovery. To discover a life away for the addiction and to find renewed hope. Please contact our clinic if you have any inquiries or if you wish to have a consultation.

Written by: Andrew da Roza, Therapist, Promises Healthcare Pte Ltd