Q: What is psychological testing? A: Psychological testing involves the use of standardized tests to assess various aspects of mental functioning, such as personality, cognitive abilities, and emotional well-being. The most common psychological tests we carry out at our clinic are for neurodevelopmental issues such as ADHD, Autism, and other learning disorders. We also conduct assessments for neurocognitive issues (e.g., cognitive decline) and PTSD.
Q: Who administers psychological assessments? A: Clinical psychologists, Clinical Neuropsychologists, and Educational Psychologists are qualified to administer and interpret psychological tests.
Q: How can psychological testing help me? A: Psychological testing can provide valuable insights into your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth, treatment planning, and self-understanding. However, the primary use at our clinic is for diagnosing specific conditions in order to access educational resources or if needed for legal reasons.